Eggon João da Silva (* 1929 † 2015)
We deeply regret to inform you that Mr. Eggon João da Silva, one of the WEG´s founders, passed away on Sunday, September 13, 2015, in Jaraguá do Sul at the age of 86.

The whole WEG family is quite saddened with such an announcement, specially due to the great history Mr. Eggon built during his personal and professional life. Together with Mr. Werner and Mr. Geraldo, he offered unmeasurable contributions to WEG’s growth and development both in Brazil and worldwide.
We will certainly remember him for everything he taught to us in terms of strategic planning, discipline and hard work. Always focused on the company business for a better future, Mr. Eggon’s legacy can be summarized on his wise statement, which will for sure serve as a solid lesson for future generations:
„When you lack machines, you can buy them; if you do not have money, you can borrow it, but you cannot buy or borrow people and people who are motivated by an idea are the basis for success.“
In memory,
WATT Drive Antriebstechnik GmbH
Wolfgang MEYER
Managing Director