Company History

Company History

WEG Gear Systems was founded in Vienna by Hans Wustinger as Wustinger-Antriebstechnik, an engineering office for drive technology and distribution company for geared motors and drive units.
Opening of a newly constructed assembly plant in Wiener Neudorf, industry center of southern Lower Austria. Straightaway, geared motors are made according to the company’s own construction from parts supplied by third parties. In so doing, the company is able to supply standard drive systems as well as customized drive solutions on an extremely short-term basis.
Expansion in business and investments in production machines for batch production. Company-own development division for drive systems and geared motors was launched. The integral motors were purchased in by well-known manufacturers.
The first geared motor, called WATT (Wustinger Antriebstechnik) was supplied.
The PIESTING project was launched. A new production plant with the most modern production technology came into existence and enabled production of high-quality gear units.
The investment in modern administration technology means that production plant can be managed by a small number of employees.
First successes – we produce top quality. The gear motors and drive systems under the name of WATT DRIVE win customers in Austria and further European countries.
Opening of new factory, Piesting; the company name Wustinger Antriebstechnik is changed to WATT DRIVE Antriebstechnik GesmbH.
WATT DRIVE gains more and more sales companies overseas (Rexnord) and in European countries. Piesting’s quality products are in demand.
WATT DRIVE starts up joint ventures in Germany and Singapore. WATT DRIVE Arnsberg, in Germany and WATT EURO DRIVE in Singapore are launched.
The increasing demands in drive technology call for a newly customized system engine – and so the modular WATT motor comes into being.
WATT DRIVE is awarded the Austrian coat of arms and receives certification as a business of quality in Lloyd’s Register.
WATT EURO DRIVE Malaysia and WATT DRIVE KOREA are launched – further representatives in the export business.
WATT TRONIC – a centre of technology for electronically regulated drives and drive systems is started.
The modular constructed WATT-EUSAS Motor is presented. This is suitable for any voltage in the world and functions as system motor for frequency inverter operations. Opening of WATT TRONIC and foundations are laid for expansion of Piesting – MAS 2000 factory.
The MAS 2000 project – the modular drive system is started. A production plant with a high degree of cross-linking and new production technologies is established.
MAS 2000 – First sector up to 2000 Nm is started. The new MAS 2000 drive system has considerable advantages over previous constructions due to its fewer components.
The newly extended plant, Piesting, with a variety of the newest production technologies begins production of the new MAN 2000 drive program with gear units up to 2000Nm and input power of up to 22 kW.
The MAS 2000 development project up to 14,000 Nm in output torque and input power of up to 90 kW is complete.
Consolidation of the WATT Groups - merger of WATT DRIVE Nord and WATT DRIVE Süd to WATT DRIVE GmbH in Arnsberg, Germany.
Markt development in Eastern Europe. Appoint of new representatives with assembly and trading agents.
Approval of Pioneer Status from the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia for Watt Drive as main investor in Malaysia.
Realization of a new assembling concept to increase the assembling capacities. Enlargement of the CNC machinery.
A new sales and assembly plant will be opening in Germany (Unna/Dortmund) as a competence centre for electronic drive-system solutions.
WATT DRIVE Austria - a highly innovative manufacturing process, the power honing of gear wheels, is put into operation.
Market development in Australia and New Zealand.
Appoint of new representative with assembly and trading agents.
Development of the new energy efficient WATT IE2 three-phase asynchronous motors
and new gear unit K.. 139. (output torque 20,000Nm).
WEG acquires the company Watt Drive -
The new geared motor range WG20 up to 600 Nm is introduced into the market.
Renaming and restructuring of WATT EURO-DRIVE (Malaysia) SDN BHD to WEG SOUTH EAST ASIA SDN BHD.
Due to its new role as a competence center for gear technology within the WEG Group, Watt Drive is also integrated into the Group by name. Watt Drive Antriebstechnik GmbH now becomes WEG Gear Systems GmbH.


WEG Gear Systems GmbH
Wöllersdorfer Straße 68
A-2753 Markt Piesting
Phone: +43 (0) 2633 404-0
Fax: +43 (0) 2633 404-300
Mail: info-at@weg.netThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.